Shedding a couple of pounds can be an incredibly difficult challenge for so many people. Sometimes, even with whatever exercise or diet curated, the results just never come close. Excess fat and weight can be a source of insecurity and further stress.
However, there are some ways on how you can achieve the weight loss that you’re dreaming of. Aspiration therapy can be a rather effective method. If you’re curious about this procedure in any way, keep on reading this introduction to learn more about it.
Aspiration therapy is a bariatric endoscopic technique that is non-invasive to the patient. How it works is that an aspirate like the AspireAssist will be attached to a person. This tool is paramount to the success of aspiration therapy, as it removes up to 30% of the food that ends up in a person’s stomach.
Being able to force food out of your stomach is completely safe. Aspiration therapy is also an excellent procedure as patients would be able to keep the sustenance while removing the calories that they consumed. By having a smaller calorie intake overall, a patient should undergo a significant amount of weight loss.
The procedure behind aspiration therapy can be quite complex. It begins with the insertion of a tube that will be connected to and used for the aspirate. This will be implanted using an endoscope and a lighted camera. Once the tube has been placed, it’s recommended to take a week before attaching the aspiration device.
Afterward, the aspirate will be ready to use a half-hour after meals. Turn on the device to pump out the 30% of food that you consumed. Some people may choose to have their aspirate for the long-term. Others only want to use it until they see the weight loss results. If that’s the case, removal is optional and can be scheduled.
Many people undergoing aspiration therapy will be surprised at the amount of weight loss that they shall achieve, with some people sharing their experience of shedding up to 20% of their fat in the past. The full results are subject to how long you intend to keep the aspirate on your body.
The tube is due for replacement after two years, though it is possible to have it removed sooner than that. Having the aspirate and tube detached can entail a slight recovery and adjustment period as you go back to your regular activities.
Going through aspiration therapy can greatly help patients in their health and lifestyle journey. Some people will have a much more manageable weight this time around as their eating habits slightly change in texture and portion size.
Patients will also find it advantageous to have a bit more confidence in the way that they look. Seeing the results of significant weight loss in a matter of months, perhaps a year at most, can be quite a jarring yet welcomed experience.
To sum it up, aspiration therapy can be an extremely great solution to achieving weight loss. By removing one-third of the food consumed from the stomach, fewer calories are processed and metabolized. If you’re searching for other methods that may work, getting an aspirate is worth a shot.
In need of
weight loss doctors in NJ? Michel Kahaleh Gastroenterologist offers aspiration therapy and other procedures in advanced endoscopy and gastroenterology. Get in touch with us today.
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